You’re in the Help Center. From here, you can access all the information you need about ordering with D.R. Ebel online, including:
- FAQs
- Shipping Rates
- Policies
- Contact Information
Do you have a question, such as how to retrieve your username or password or how to modify your order?
Visit our FAQs page.
Want to figure out how much it will cost to ship your order?
See our shipping rates page for a full rate listing.
Curious about returns, tax exemption, hazardous substance shipping?
The D.R. Ebel Policies page will tell you everything you need to know.
We’re always trying to improve your online shopping experience, and your feedback is greatly appreciated. Fill out our customer survey here.
Our help center also contains a full page of our contact information. Here you’ll find our address, phone number, fax number, carrier pigeon number, and more. You can even email us directly from the site without opening your email.